Invest in
long-term financial stability.

Life Insurance
best means of protection.
I have been in the financial industry for over 16 years. With each new client, I realize there are unique challenges and circumstances that have led to some evolution in my education. As a Certified Financial Planner®, you grow with a client through the various phases of their life, and each phase provides a chance to learn, grow and make smart financial decisions. My approach in all areas of my practice follows three fundamental values:
“My smile is my logo. My personality is my trademark. My business ethic is my mission statement. Add in humour, integrity and a bit of sass….. And you have me! REAL is the only way I know how to be!!!”
The following are the list of my Services:

Financial Planning
As a Certified Financial Planner®, I set you up for success by evaluating your current financial situation. I work with you to understand your personal goals and needs and together we create your personal investment and risk management plan.

Insurance is the best means of financial protection. Whether it be disability insurance to protect your income, mortgage insurance to protect your mortgage, or life insurance to protect your life.

I work with clients from all walks of life, to help them determine the financial plan that makes the most sense.

It is important to know what you are looking for when entering into a decision as large as the purchase of a new property.

Divorce Coach
Having a good divorce attorney is often an essential part of the process however, if the two parties are ready and willing to sit down with a skilled mediator, they can avoid lengthy and expensive legal battles.

Business Consulting & Coaching
The difference between and Business Consultant and Business Coach are simple. A Coach does not lead or guide, they coach. A consultant does in fact lead and guide. A balance of both as you build your business can be very beneficial.